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New Desktop and Laptop Computers
Want a new system built? True Blue Computers will design and build a new system to your specific needs. From graphic design workstations to high end gaming systems: if you can dream it, we can build it. We also carry new, name brand laptops and chargers. All of our new systems come with a full year warranty on parts.

Refurbished Desktop and Laptop Computers
Need a computer, but can’t afford a new one? True Blue Computers has a wide variety of refurbished desktops and laptops in our shop. All systems are in excellent working condition, thoroughly tested, and come with a 90-day parts warranty (supply on hand may vary).

Computer components, software, peripherals, and accessories
True Blue Computers carries the widest selection of computer and networking components on the Grand Strand.

  • Laptop Chargers
  • Software: Anti-virus, Office, OS
  • Printers, Webcams, Backup Drives
  • Wireless Adapters and Routers
  • Network Cables, Switches, Network Cards
  • Video Cards, Sound Cards, Power Supplies, Monitors